Thicka Than A Snicka Creami

We want to hear your favorite nut butter creami recipe!  Our best seller Thicka Than A Snicka makes a treat that will make you for sure try soon!

Thicka Than A Snicka Creami





Add chocolate milk and protein powder to a Ninja Creami pint and use a frother or your preferred method to mix. Freeze overnight or for at least 8 hours.

Once completely frozen, attach the pint to the Ninja Ice Cream Maker and hit “lite ice cream.” Add water to the center of the pint, attach it back to the machine and hit “re-spin.” Scoop out a hole in the center of the pint and add the peanut butter. Attach it to the Ninja once more and hit “mix-ins.” Enjoy!



  • 336 calories
  • 18g carbs
  • 12g fat
  • 39g protein


  • Thicka than a snicka is a favorite peanut butter for our butter fam! Tastes so much like the candy bar without all the extra sugar. My mom is obsessed with dipping her apple slices in it. Highly recommend this blend!

    EmmaLynn Misak on

  • Made this last night using fairlite chocolate milk and it was so so good!!!

    Nancy nowak on

  • My family and I cannot get enough of the “thicka than a snicka”! I’ve used it in my morning smoothie per the recipe above – delish! A must try for a high protein breakfast on the go!

    Kristi Goode on

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