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How We Developed Our Specialty Cashew Butter

April 06, 2021

As a family who understands allergies first hand, we knew it was time to offer more than just gourmet peanut butter and almond butter, which is when our desire to handcraft cashew butter was born!

And our new cashew butter was a true labor of love y’all!

A yearlong project to be exact! Why?

Well for starters, we always try to keep our ingredients locally sourced, made or grown in American, but cashews are not naturally harvested  in the U.S. So it was time to do some research, and of course taste testing!

Take a peek behind the decision process…

When we started researching suppliers for our gourmet cashew butter, we had a few non-negotiables including:

  • where the nuts originated
  • sustainably grown
  • partnering with an equal opportunity employer
  • accurate traceability directly back to the farm
  • quality freshness, from taste to texture

Luckily for us, the cashews that we found had the best flavor also met our high criteria.

And even better, our supplier shares our same heart for giving – bringing employment opportunities to small villages across Africa and empowering these communities with critical resources such as food and running water.

And that’s just our sourcing story!

I’ll spare you the details, but let’s just say it took 4 separate attempts just to get the cashews roasted at a level that yields our signature creamy, ultra-smooth and drizzly consistency. (Not to mention cashews are a harder denser nut to whip…so each jar takes 4x longer to handcraft than any other blend we make!)

It’s been a long road, but a journey we are proud of.

What makes our cashew butter different?

We've already found that cashews provide the most versatile nut butter base yet! The lighter tasting nut means that our flavors really get to shine. So you bet you'll be seeing a lot of creative flavor combinations introduced as we expand our cashew butter line, like our latest Some Mo' Coconut Cookie Cashew Butter which was inspired by our founder Lea's favorite Girl Scout cookie!

And because cashews are a naturally denser nut they yield a thicker butter than our peanut butter and almond varieties. This means all those yummy mix-ins you love (yup, the cookies, chocolate chips, sprinkles and more!) they stay put, right on top! Thicker butter base, means less chance of toppings settling during transit, and ultimately give you that amazing wow factor when you first open up your jar!

As we continue to develop and launch new yummy, low carb and low sugar cashew butter blends, we look forward to hearing your feedback!

We know our gourmet cashew butter is a true game changer, but don't just take our word for it! Check out these first impressions from some of our biggest fans!


Ready to give our cashew butters a taste? Browse our growing collection here

Based on reviews
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Cashew butters are my FAV! They are all delicious. Just love the smoothness but still have some added crunch.

My hubs is the biggest fan of alllll the cashew butters! He thinks they have the best and creamier texture 😍

I bought this for my Mom, someone who always eats Skippy Peanut Butter. She loved the creamy texture and taste of this Cashew Butter. She officially uses this only now!

I thought the peanut and almond butters were amazing, but this cashew butter is a whole new level. It’s got the perfect flavor, creaminess and perfect for that sweet tooth!!! 100/10 recommend

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE don’t ever stop making the Blueberry Brunch cashew butter!! It’s THE BEST!!! ❤❤❤

Yay!!, I’m so happy to hear the great news that I’ll be able to get some mo’ coconut anytime I want!💕

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